If you have thought about earning an about PhD but are afraid of the cost of getting one, you are not alone. This was me some years ago.
If this is your only fear, then you have come to the right place. There are many Ph.D. programs that are fully funded. I mean, near 99.9% funded. They are available in many disciplines (Engineering, Physical Sciences, Health Sciences, etc.). However, I will only describe about PhD process in the discipline that is familiar to me: Business School PhDs.
About PhD for costing:
Your aspiration to study for a business Ph.D. is a noble one. Go ahead and start today. Don’t let your fear of money or studying stop you. I do have to mention that it involves a fair amount of reading, studying, and patience. Don’t let your age stop you, the longer you wait, the older you become. I was one of three of the oldest students about PhD cohort.
So, let’s address the question of cost. Go ahead and see a list of fully funded PhD programs in Business Schools in North America and Europe.
Depending on each university, the funding may include:
- 12-month stipend of $20,000 – 36,000
- Health insurance
- Tuition & fees
What questions do you have? I could address them in my next post.